Sunday, May 27, 2012

Earl Grey Ice-Cream with Hazelnut Chocolate

This month's SABH (Sweet Adventures of A Blog Hop) has been a rather challenging one. The moment I saw the announcement by JJ from 84th & 83rd, I couldn't resist and knew that I had to take part in it. To learn more on how to join in the fun, click on the SABH Blog Hop badge. Do stop over at the host/hostess's blog to feast with your eyes too. SABH is a monthly affair and is brought to you by Delicieux, The Hungry Australian, Dining With a Stud, The Capers of the Kitchen Crusader and of course 84th & 83rd.

Although we drink a lot of tea in my family, whether it's English Breakfast tea, teh-tarik (pulled tea), or even green tea during dinner, I realised I have not challenged myself to make treats using one key ingredient; which so happens to be TEA. It didn't take me long to think of which tea to use since I am a huge fan of Earl Grey. I love it's hint of golden citrus flavour infused in the tea leaves itself. Plus Earl Grey is versatile too. You can either choose to have it plain or have it with milk. So that's challenge no# 1, down.

The next challenge was the decision whether to bake a cake, cupcake or should I make a non-baked treat? That took a while for me to decide as I have always wanted to bake a treat with Earl Grey. However, the weather here has been crazy, and it's seriously too hot for comfort. Lets just say I would rather stay in and crank up the A/C and read a good book, instead of going out for my evening walks. Not a good idea right?

So at the end, I decided to make a cold treat which is an ultra smooth and creamy Earl Grey Ice-Cream. To add some bite and texture to the smooth ice-cream, I added some chopped milked chocolate and roasted hazelnuts. This cannot be a better pairing. It's almost like Earl Grey and milk chocolate is a match made in heaven and meant to be together. By the way, this is optional and you can choose to omit the chocolate and nuts.

Oh! before I go on.. fret not! This recipe is for you ice-cream lovers who love to try a hand in making your own ice-cream and do not own those fancy ice-cream machine. Join my club peeps, as I too do not own an ice-cream machine. The key here is a good custard base for the ice-cream where this recipe is loosely adapted from Thomas Keller's French Laundry Cookbook. Thought without the ice-cream maker requires an additional step by taking the ice-cream out and beating it a few times, I must say for this, I only beat the ice-cream mixture twice. And the end result is satisfying. I'll let my photos to the talking ;). This base ice-cream recipe is definitely a keeper.
For recipe: Click on image to enlarge
Lastly, for those who have an ice-cream maker, of course you could use this recipe too. Just make sure to follow the machine maker's instruction. I believe it would be freezing the ice-cream mixture in the ice-cream machine.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and please continue to support Chic & Gorgeous Treats. Though "she" has been slow in posting recipes, there will be a lot of revamps and a lot of other recipes which I have not had the chance to share with you.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Baking Recipe: Blondie Cupcakes with Blueberry Frosting

Lately, life has been a whole lot of madness. There are some days I will be down low, and some days I will be filled with positive energy. Not sure why is that happening to me lately, so blogging is my way of screaming and speaking my mind off [without pissing anybody..that is]. To recollect my energy, reflect on my actions and my thoughts. I do constantly read through the comments and it always put a smile on my face. Suddenly my bad day isn't looking so bad after all.

Having started this blog has given me a huge sense of accomplishment and allowed me to meet so many of you wonderful foodie people. I realised I found a lot of peace through my baking and taking pretty [so I think] photos and sharing them with you here. Recently, my dear friend Elisabeth from Food and Thrift Finds mentioned that "Jo! it seems lately..there has been a change in your photos. Not the regular sweet-pink shots." Never realised, all this while I have created a signature for myself. I am sure I still live up to my signature of Chic & Gorgeous right? I am still the same girl who loves anything PINK. Add a little black and it immediately boom! a hint of elegance..don't you think? ;)
For this Mother's Day, instead of making my mom a card like I used to as a kid, it has been taken up a notch and in style. Of course, I missed those moments where I have crayon colours all over my fingers.. but this time it has been substituted with licking the remains of the fluffy Blueberry frosting..and I have to say it's simple delish! Who wouldn't want to trade in crayons for something edible right? However, if I ever had the chance to turn back the clock, I wouldn't do it any different.
For recipe: Click on image to enlarge

This weekend's sweet will be a simple classy treat, where an ultra moist butter cupcake is frosted with fluffy creamy blueberry frosting. Perfect fit for a classy lady like my mother, who never fails to nag me every single day on becoming a proper young lady.. LOL.

Now, back to baking business. If you ever have any left over blueberries, you might like to consider making this blueberry frosting. It's perfect to go with chocolate cake, or sandwiched in between 2 butter cookies. In this case, I felt that a butter cake is a perfect combination and fit. The flavours of vanilla and blueberry not over powering one another; instead it gives that kick and extra oomph.
So to all the mothers out there, or new mothers to be, don't be fooled by your daughter when she says she never talking to you again. Cause you all know that we will definitely still love you to bits. Have a wonderful Mother's Day!!
