Saturday, July 23, 2011

Baking Recipe: Gerbera Daisy Cake (Dark Chocolate Cake with Light Mango Buttercream)

Gerbera Daisy cake? I think it's so pretty. Don't you? It is so pretty that I had to keep taking photos of this cake of mine [self gloating for one moment.. LOLS]. Gerbera daisy has always been one of my favourite flower. To me it has a sense of chic-ness and maybe adds some girly elements to it. Okay guys, I know this cake may not be macho enough but I dare say the flavour combination of the cake is good enough to make you melt over your knees.

I started out being really adventurous. I had this "smart" plan on decorating my cake, where I am going to melt chocolate etc.. Then the thought of washing up tons of utensils got me thinking again. Okay.. perhaps I was feeling a little lazy to frost the cream on my cake that I resulted by taking out out my piping bag and my trusty Wilton #104 tip and started piping like a manic person. However lazy I can be I am a person who's particular and every single thing I do has to be screaming perfection and just not mere perfection. It took me about 15-20 minutes or so and I was done! Now that's a time record breaking to me.

The cake is an ultra rich dark chocolate cake, where I 've used here, and here. This is a recipe I tested a couple of times and I assure you it has not fail me, other than just one time.. that one time I sort of miscalculated the amount of liquid. But hey.. who have not made a mistake in baking? All mistakes are forgivable. Just start again.. if time permits of course.

As for the frosting, it's a light, sweet and aromatic Mango Butter cream. You might think it's odd, but apparently it's not. There are quite a lot of dessert recipes out there where mango is paired with chocolate. So this is my own version of Mango Butter cream, as the challenge is to find a balance between the sweetness of mango flavour to merry the dark chocolate cake. Oh! as for the remainder cake which was sliced off since it gave me mountains on my cake, I thought it will be wasteful to throw them away. Instead, I made them into cake in a cup and paired it with some leftover Mango buttercream. Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy!!


Note: Recipe for dark chocolate cake is not doubled in amount. That's the original ingredient measure. The recipe is perfect for a 6-inches, 4 layered round cake or 8-inches, 2 layered round cake or 10-inches, single layered square cake.

For ultra rich dark chocolate cake recipe, click here.

For mango butter cream:

Note: I made my own mango puree. Slice 2 mangoes, and process it in a food processor. No sugar required. Sieve it through a sieve and discard any lumps or fibre.

1 1/3 cup mango puree
2 cups powdered sugar, sifted
1 1/2 stick unsalted butter
1/2 cup vegetable shortening
1 tsp clear vanilla extract
2-3 tsp lemon juice

To prepare mango butter cream:

1. Using a stand mixer with the paddle attachment attached on medium speed, whip butter and vegetable shortening until light and fluffy.

2. Slow down the speed, then add 1/4 cup of powdered sugar at a time then followed by another 1/4 cup until it totals up to 2 cups.

3. Add in the mango puree, vanilla extract and lemon juice and continue to mix at medium speed until mixture is well combined.

4. Crank up the mixer back to high speed and whip for another minute or so until frosting is light and fluffy.

5. Chill frosting in the fridge for about 15 minutes and then it's ready to use.



  1. Multiplying that cheerfulness of a beautiful daisy with sweet succulent mango and choc huh?
    I love it!
    All that is a record time?! I'm jealous!

  2. Pierre: I surprised myself too. I am such a slow tortoise when comes to frosting a cake. A beautiful Saturday just went passed so quickly. Yikes!! Thank god for my daisies.. Am feeling Monday blues right now.. sheesh ;)

  3. Very well done in record time! I am loving this "girly" looking cake. I had to save the recipe for the mango buttercream, unusual and no doubt delicious. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

  4. The cake is GORGEOUS. Very very well done!

  5. Tina: Thanks.. I think I'm still slow none the less. I do enjoy the frosting process a lot. Just dread the washing up. LOLs.. You have a good weekend too. xoxo..

  6. You're like the piping master! I can't believe you rocked that out in 20 minutes. Well done. I ADORE your mango buttercream...I want some of that! Buzzed

  7. I don't think it's odd at all to pair mango with chocolate. I think fruit goes so well with chocolate. Fantastic cake, almost a shame to cut it. Gorgeous!

  8. leaf (the indolent cook): Thanks for stopping by. You've got a lovely blog yourself.

    Parsley Sage: Aww.. thanks for the lovely compliment. I am thinking I should do more of this pattern on other cakes. LOL.. Thanks for buzzing and the support. xoxo

    Adora's Box: I didn't think of it to be odd, however I had a couple of friends who thought it's going to be an acquired taste. But my friend you're right. I agree that the combination is perfect, just like PB&J. Yummm yummm... If I could I would have probably vacumn seal the cake. LoLs.. Have a good weekend! Cheers, Jo

  9. This cake looks and sounds wonderful how yo managed to get it decorated so fast is unbelievable.

  10. Oh my, I had to pick myself back up off the floor when I saw this. So much talent, I am stunned. This is gorgeous. Great job!

  11. B-E-A-U-tiful! and mango buttercream?! I'm going to have to give it a try, I love mango!

  12. Wow- that is amazing! I love the chocolate combo with mango buttercream - so creative. The decorating leaves me speechless! Buzzed!

  13. S.V: Thanks for stopping by..I think I was in production mode while I was piping the frosting. LOLs.. i went on and on and on without stopping until it was done. Hope you do try out the cake.

    Kim Bee: Hope you didn't get yourself hurt there.. Sorry if the photo gave you a huge surprise..hehehehe...Thanks you so much for your lovely compliment. Sure gives me more courage to do something daring and outside the box.

    Sandy: If you love mango as much I do, please try it. My mom had quite a number of mangoes in the fridge. Bet when she comes home from her vacation she'll notice they are all gone. Thanks to my experiments.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend ladies!

    xoxo, Jo

  14. Sweet Ann: Thanks.. hope you found time to try out the tangy prawn noodle recipe or shall I say tangy chicken? Keke.. thank you for buzzing. Always nice to hear from you. Take care now.. Jo.

  15. Oh wow, what a beautiful cake! lovely pictures!

  16. This is absolutlely beautiful! I wish had this for my birthday. Gerber Daisys are my favorite flower too. So bright and colorful and they always seem to last a long time.

  17. Wow girl this is just amazing! I love Daises and this cake is really a masterpiece! Just perfection all around!!!

  18. Is it bad that I came to see it again? It's just so pretty!

  19. Esters Horna: Thanks so much for poping by. Am buzzing you right now..

    Emily @ Life on Food: Aren't Gerbera daisies pretty lil flowers? So vibrant and cheerful. Well if we are in the same country, for you my foodie friend I'll certainly bake you a Gerbera Daisy cake. Flavour of your choice.

    Sandra: Gosh THANKS so much!! It really makes me happy to know that all of you enjoy looking at this cake. Hopefully there'll be more masterpiece to come. Buzzing you now and CONGRATS for making Top9!!

    Kim Bee: Please feel free anytime to pop by to see the cake. I can't stop looking at it myself too. Really gotta slap myself silly..LOLs. Feel free to share my link if you know there's someone who's in need of a pick me up.


  20. Wow! I don't have the talent to pull this off, but I had to stop by and tell you that this is just gorgeous!

  21. This is THE most beautiful cake ive seen in as long as i can remember...speechless!

  22. Lisa: Thanks for stopping by.. I truly appreciate it. Well, perhaps if you like chocolate and mango, you can try this recipe out. And decorate it in your own style ;).

    The Procrastobaker: I think it's my turn to be speechless now. Heheheh.. I can be very hard on myself when it comes to perfection.. but having know that all of you foodies enjoy the look of the cake really makes me happy and made me realised that sometimes we gotta just let go and do what we love doing!

    Cheers ladies! Jo

  23. Pretty pretty cake, it just looks amazing

  24. That. is. a. work. of. art. I'm surprised you could bear to cut into it!

  25. Hey Skylar: You stopped by.. ;) Thanks, it's nice to hear from another guy who think the cake is pretty. Yeayy!!

    Shu Han: I'm so happy to know that it's now a piece of art. Oh you should see me when I cut in to the cake. There was so much hessitance but at the end, for photography.. I had to do it. Otherwise I might even attempt to put it in the deep freeze and stop it's process from expiring. However my friends and brother loved the cake so much that they helped themselves to 2nd,3rd and 4th helpings.


  26. These pics made me smile--that is one gorgeous, cheerful looking cake! Must click away now or I'll stare at them all night :)

  27. Hi Jennifer! Thanks for checking out my blog. Appreciate it. I'm glad my Gerbera Daisy cake made you happy. Do spread it around to anyone who's in need of some love or cheering up. You have a good night! Cheerios~

  28. Wow, this is beautiful and sounds delicious! I'm going to try and make it though I doubt it will be this perfect!

  29. Gorgeous cake! Looking forward to trying the Mango Buttercream!

    1. I hope you will like it as much my family did and thanks for buzzing me over at my blog!! Cheers~


Hey foodies! THANK YOU for leaving me with sweet comments. I hope to inspire you like how you inspire me. Cheers~