Friday, July 27, 2012

Cookies N' Cream Blueberry Shake & TGIF

Did your jaw just drop? You must think.. it must be her crazy Friday talk.. I  thought I will leave you all to a nice weekend with this crazy milkshake that I concocted. For a change really, I had been baking or making some kind of dessert, that I thought, why not a drink? But not just any drink.. it has to be MILKSHAKE.

LOVE this Mosaic water colour painted art: taken while I was in Melbourne, Crown Casino
Okay I admit, I wasn't in the right mind, as I was stressed from work and had craving for a sinful drink. While I am not a fan of drinking wine or booze for the matter, cause I strongly believe that wine is to be enjoyed and not to be gobbled down like water. I bet all of you foodies out there will agree with me on this statement. Sadly, I just don't tolerate people who drinks wine, but not enjoying it with a good meal, or dessert or maybe in front of a fire place in a cold winter-y night. Well that's just my mind talking.

Anyways, since it's FRIDAY.. woo hoo! it has to be one of my favourite day of the week. I shall spare you with a long post and leave you with my Cookies N' Cream Blueberry Shake. This is so simple.
Equipments required? A blender, cookies and cream ice-cream (brand of your choice), blueberry syrup (ultra simple to make), full cream milk or for "weight watchers", skim milk or low fat milk works too. All you got to do is put all together (1/ 2 cup milk + 6 medium sized scoops cookies N' cream ice-cream) except the Blueberry Syrup and blend away like there's no tomorrow. To assemble, scoop a tablespoon or couple (ahem.. that's what I did) then pour the cookies N' cream shake over. Let me tell you, it's the most beautiful colour combination I have seen.. the swirls and the thickness of the shake. Hectic day = GONE..Hello Yummmmmmilicious!!



  1. Gorgeous snaps! The shake looks very tasty!

    1. Thanks Angie ;)!! It is really delish.. I didn't make it so thick since I wanted or try to watch my waist line. LOL..

  2. This is my kind of milkshake! I love the idea of adding blueberries to cookies and cream.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed this post ;).. who knows.. there will be more shakes coming right up in the future

  3. Truth be told, I wish I am living as a freeloader in your house... :D

  4. Oh my goodness! Love all the flavour combos in this shake. I could so drink one right now. If only I had all the ingredients in! Haagen-Dazs is one of my favourite ice cream makers too.

    Sweet 2 Eat Baking
    P.S. Just to let you know, I changed servers on my blog so you may need to re-subscribe again (sorry!) See this post.

    1. Hi Lisa! Thanks for coming over.. ;). Glad you enjoyed this simple Friday post.. Thanks for letting me know too. Will be buzzing you real soon! xoxo

  5. What a treat! I love Haagen Dazs Cookies n Cream... this shake is a dangerous one. I won't be satisfied with one glass. ;-) I love your photography Joanna!

    1. Thanks Nami! When I was reading back, I thought so too, to myself that this drink is sinful.. LOL and it could be adding inches to my waistline.. oh! well.. once a while indulgence is okay I guess. Oh! I pretty much do it forth-nightly.. :P. Huggssss

  6. oh man that looks good. I have blackberries growing outside my mom's house, maybe I will try it with them.

    1. Hmm not sure if blackberries work as well though, do let me know how it goes. I think I am going into a berry shock.. cos I have a couple more boxes to go. . More simple berry recipes to come. Will be buzzing you over at your blog. Cheers!

  7. I love that blueberry twist my friend, it looks gorgeous :D

    Choc Chip Uru

    1. Thanks Guru Uru.. I just thought I had some fun and the flavours worked out really well. xoxo

  8. WOAH!! That sounds heavenly. I love haagen dazs' cookies and cream and I can only imagine how divine the blueberry compote must taste be!

    1. Hi Baker Street! Thanks for coming over.. really happy to hear from you ;). While I know this may not be some fancy treat.. but the flavours were divine together. xoxo

  9. oh my god. oh my god. this is brilliant! i'm dying to try this combination!

    1. LOL... Hope you do Jenn! I believe if Bi-Rite has Cookies and Cream, which I think they would.. It would be HEAVEN with this SHAKE concoction :P.

  10. Yep. I agree. I don't drink wine very often because I only do on social occasions and then only to enhance the flavor of the food I'm eating. I'm glad you found something equally decadent.

    1. I'm glad too.. I can't wait to fire up the grill and then pair them with more drinks. I have a crazy mind that tends to concoct something up ;). Happy Cooking FS!!

  11. Love your shake, and love the creative, and gorgeous photos!
    So glad to see you're posting more often now, and I missed this one...good thing I'm catching up:D


Hey foodies! THANK YOU for leaving me with sweet comments. I hope to inspire you like how you inspire me. Cheers~