Sunday, May 27, 2012

Earl Grey Ice-Cream with Hazelnut Chocolate

This month's SABH (Sweet Adventures of A Blog Hop) has been a rather challenging one. The moment I saw the announcement by JJ from 84th & 83rd, I couldn't resist and knew that I had to take part in it. To learn more on how to join in the fun, click on the SABH Blog Hop badge. Do stop over at the host/hostess's blog to feast with your eyes too. SABH is a monthly affair and is brought to you by Delicieux, The Hungry Australian, Dining With a Stud, The Capers of the Kitchen Crusader and of course 84th & 83rd.

Although we drink a lot of tea in my family, whether it's English Breakfast tea, teh-tarik (pulled tea), or even green tea during dinner, I realised I have not challenged myself to make treats using one key ingredient; which so happens to be TEA. It didn't take me long to think of which tea to use since I am a huge fan of Earl Grey. I love it's hint of golden citrus flavour infused in the tea leaves itself. Plus Earl Grey is versatile too. You can either choose to have it plain or have it with milk. So that's challenge no# 1, down.

The next challenge was the decision whether to bake a cake, cupcake or should I make a non-baked treat? That took a while for me to decide as I have always wanted to bake a treat with Earl Grey. However, the weather here has been crazy, and it's seriously too hot for comfort. Lets just say I would rather stay in and crank up the A/C and read a good book, instead of going out for my evening walks. Not a good idea right?

So at the end, I decided to make a cold treat which is an ultra smooth and creamy Earl Grey Ice-Cream. To add some bite and texture to the smooth ice-cream, I added some chopped milked chocolate and roasted hazelnuts. This cannot be a better pairing. It's almost like Earl Grey and milk chocolate is a match made in heaven and meant to be together. By the way, this is optional and you can choose to omit the chocolate and nuts.

Oh! before I go on.. fret not! This recipe is for you ice-cream lovers who love to try a hand in making your own ice-cream and do not own those fancy ice-cream machine. Join my club peeps, as I too do not own an ice-cream machine. The key here is a good custard base for the ice-cream where this recipe is loosely adapted from Thomas Keller's French Laundry Cookbook. Thought without the ice-cream maker requires an additional step by taking the ice-cream out and beating it a few times, I must say for this, I only beat the ice-cream mixture twice. And the end result is satisfying. I'll let my photos to the talking ;). This base ice-cream recipe is definitely a keeper.
For recipe: Click on image to enlarge
Lastly, for those who have an ice-cream maker, of course you could use this recipe too. Just make sure to follow the machine maker's instruction. I believe it would be freezing the ice-cream mixture in the ice-cream machine.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and please continue to support Chic & Gorgeous Treats. Though "she" has been slow in posting recipes, there will be a lot of revamps and a lot of other recipes which I have not had the chance to share with you.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Shri.. will come over to you blog shortly.. Cheers~

  2. You made my mouth water! This looks fantastic, Jo!

    1. Thanks Sandra, do give it a try if you like Earl Grey. Then again, the base ice-cream recipe is a keeper, so feel free to improvise with your favourite fruits or pairings of flavour. Have a good week ahead.. Hugss

  3. The ice cream looks delicious:) The flavors are wonderful- Earl Grey tea, chocolate, and hazelnut. MMM fantastic. Thanks for the great post. Have a Happy Memorial Day:)

    1. Hi Geri! So glad to hear from you..glad you enjoyed the post.. Have a Happy Memorial Day too!! cheers, Jo

  4. This is such a creative combo here! I am wondering how delicious just one bite is. I am keeping this one to make at home. Also, sharing with the tea group on Google +. Enjoy Memorial day, sweet friend!

    1. Glad this recipe inspired you back Tina ;). Have a wonderful tea time with your friends. Thanks for coming over. That sure puts a smile on my face. xoxo

  5. This ice cream is insanely delicious and classy - wonderful job :D

    Choc Chip Uru

    1. Awww.. you are so kind Choc Chip Uru!! will be hopping oh wait skipping over now.. xoxo

  6. Oh I could definitely use a few scoops of your lovely ice cream! It's super hot, really going nuts with the weather. Love this recipe as do not need an ice cream maker, I am so tempted to get one. now I can try your recipe.. thanks for sharing! don't worry about slow with posting, me too lately. look forward to more fantastic recipes

    1. Hi Shannon! How are you my friend? It feels like it has been a while since we last met. Hope all is well with you, and so glad that you buzzed me here. Keep up the good work at your blog too.. Chat soon, huggsss

  7. My Dear, extremely gorgeous! the texture looks fantastic. I love Earl Grey tea , hazelnut and chocolate. This will be my perfect ice cream. xo

    1. Hi Lola! So happy to hear from you.. your trip to Italy must be lots of fun ;). Can't wait to read more about it. Hopefully you will post more on your adventure. Do try this if you have the time. And if you have an ice-cream maker, that sort of saves a lot of time churning the ice-cream ;). Huggs

  8. Yummy, I'm ready for ice cream ice cream. I drink earl grey everyday and have never had it in ice cream. Must change that, huh. I hear you on being slow, take it easy this weekend and I can't wait for more goodies from you.

    1. Aww Gina, I feel blessed to have you behind my back. It sure feels good to have all of you foodie friends come over and check up on me. You ought to give this a try. I loved it and hope you will to.. trust me, after 1 spoonful, you will want another ;). Have a good week ahead!! Huggss,

  9. Oh WOW!! This looks like trouble because I believe I would eat all of it! I'm going to have to try it though, but only when there are plenty to share it with! =] Happy Memorial Day!

    1. Hi there Virtual Essence! Thanks for stopping over. I wanted a second scoop, but I resisted.. LOL.. Talk about being vain at times. LOL.. Will be buzzing you shortly at your blog. Do stay in touch. Cheers, Jo

  10. Is nom nom nom an acceptable comment? How about wowsers? This looks fantastic and I am drooling all over myself right now. You know me and ice cream.

    1. No worries, you can say nom nom nom, yum yum yum, slurp slurp slurp or anything anytime ;)..LOL.. Yes I do know your love for ice-cream.. and that really inspires me to make more cold treats. LOL... hugss,

  11. I'm glad you made this instead of a cupcake! Much more interesting. (Apologies to the wonderful cupcake entries!).

    1. No worries Bizzy Lizzy! I think I have an addiction to baking cupcakes or cakes. However, I don't really eat them. Yes I love cupcakes or cakes, but somehow I love the idea of sharing them with my family and friends mostly ;). Thanks popping over. Have tried to look for your blog, but couldn't locate it somehow. Have a great week ahead!! Cheers, Jo

    2. Hi Jo! This ice cream looks divine! I wanted to make ice cream too with the green tea but too cold for Sydney weather. I must learn to love early grey tea as my daughter loves them. This ice cream will definitely do the trick. Btw, sorry for inserting myself into this thread. I couldn't find a "comment" button for this post. Cheers. Bambi (adobodownunder)

  12. I like Earl grey tea, i know your ice cream must be very good.

    1. Hi Sonia! Thanks so much for stopping by.. glad to meet another Earl Grey fan ;).. cheers

  13. Agh! I can't believe you don't have an ice cream maker and did this for me!! Yes, i take it that you did this just for me ;) I'm going to try this, rum and raisin version or something though :D

    1. Reading this has put a huge smile on my face.. cracked me up..Perhaps one day I will own an ice-cream maker. For now, I like the fun of getting my hands dirty.. Hopefully the base ice-cream will work out well for your ice-cream flavour that you are planning to make. xoxo..

  14. Hi Jo-just had a chance now, to come to your blog...although, I did leave a reply as well, for you on my blog!
    I adore your Earl Grey Ice cream with the hazelnut, and chocolate?...oh my! I think I'm in "ice cream heaven!"
    Hazelnut ice cream happens to be a huge favorite of mine. It's been at least 2yrs since I've made just plain hazelnut ice cream, and it was, to add the most amazing tea, and the rest of the yummy ingredients...pure joy, and DELIGHT! (thanks for mentioning the source.)

    Love your creative and beautiful photos, as well! Hope you will stop back to see my latest, and would love to see your boards on Pinterest, as well!
    Big huggs,xoxo

    1. Hi Elisabeth! No worries... Am glad that you popped over. Oh I love hazelnut ice-cream too and Nutella gelato.. Yumm.. I will be back to your blog; that's for sure. Unfortunately, I do not have Pinterest. Perhaps I should start having one. Take care now and thanks for the support! Hugss

  15. Hi Jo! Great ice cream recipe! I never had tea ice cream before so I can’t wait to try it out. I’ve never made ice cream before either…it will be quite a challenge. Can’t wait to see what’s up next. Take care girl!

    1. Hi Lilly! This is only my second/ third time making ice-cream. Do give it a go.. it's pleasantly quite fun ;). LOL.. I am feeling the pressure now. Not sure what to do next. Any suggestion? :P.. xoxo

  16. What a genius idea for an ice cream flavor! I just recently bought an ice cream machine and I've only made 1 recipe so far but it looks like I'll have to whip it out of the cupboards to make this awesomeness!

    1. Aww.. thanks Chung-Ah! Glad you popped over to check out the ice-cream. Perhaps I will invest in an ice-cream machine one day when I have my own kitchen.. Can't wait for that to happen. Cheers!

  17. This ice cream is beautiful, Jo! I've never tried tea in my ice cream, but I know I would love it!!

    1. If you do have a chance, do give it a go. It's really lovely having ice-cream infused with flavoured tea. xoxo

  18. This ice cream looks incredible! And I love that you used Earl Grey tea for the ice cream, soooo creative. Gorgeous photos too! :)

    1. Thanks for coming over Lindsey.. Really appreciate it. Will be buzzing you over at your blog.. I have been a secret follower.. LOL

  19. This is really stunning! I'm not a huge fan of tea but I can see how it would be amazing in the ice-cream with chocolate and hazelnuts. That being said, my honey bunny ADORES Earl Grey tea! Bravo...and absolutely stunning pics!

    1. Hi Ann! It's been such a long time.. I see you are having a blast.. Am so thrilled to hear from you my friend.Perhaps you can make some for him? Thanks again for the support and please stay in touch!!! huggsss

  20. SO gorgeous and delectable! You've inspired me to make more ice creams this summer :) Hope you're having a fabulous week, my friend!!!

    1. Thanks Lizzy! I am certainly looking forward to the weekend.. have a great weekend ahead too and can't wait to see what you are whipping out next. xoxo

  21. I love earl grey tea, so your ice creams will be very happy in my freezer, not for a long time though ;) I love the pictures as well. It's not easy to take pictures of ice creams, but you did it, and it looks fantastic.

    1. Thanks Marta.. do stay in touch and appreciate that you popped over to my blog. Have a good weekend ahead!

  22. This looks gorgeous! So deliciously good! Thanks so much for joining the hop :D x

    1. Hi Nic, I am having a lot of fun joining in the SABH! Can't wait to see what will this month's challenge be. I love the idea of having to challenge my own brain.. have a good weekend xoxo, Jo

  23. These look awesome!

  24. Hi Jo, I can't believe I forgot to comment after reading your post - this ice cream sounds amazing! Glad you joined us :)

  25. Hi Joanna! I love earl grey in sweets - cookies, cake, ice cream...anything yet I haven't tried making it on my own. This one looks really good. I want to give it a try! I'm making sorbet right now but hopefully soon!

  26. What a recipe! I love all things early grey so I will definitely be trying this.

  27. Your photos are talking loud and clear, this looks amazing!

  28. I'm so impressed you've made your own ice cream...this looks so good! It's a great and unusual flavour for ice cream too! :-)


Hey foodies! THANK YOU for leaving me with sweet comments. I hope to inspire you like how you inspire me. Cheers~