Wednesday, August 4, 2010 my teens..

During my teens, I was fortunate to have seen some part of Thailand. First Thai trip ever was dad’s company trip on 25 Dec, 1995. The itinerary would be Kuala Lumpur > Perlis >Trang > Krabi > Hatyai > Kuala Lumpur.

We flew via MAS to Perlis. During the flight we were all given a box of truffles. Not local chocolates mind you. The choco was so good. Crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. It melted in my mouth and it was just so smooth. Yum yummm.

Back to Thailand: When we arrived, we cross over the Thai border, and got onto a tour bus.

And the adventure begins from there. We arrived at a little town called Trang. The very first day, Aunt Judy (dad’s old company secretary-may she rest in peace) brought all of us to ThamChangHai Tham Kao Changhai (Lost Elephant Cave) in Trang.

Here I am, clad in white East India tee, paired with bermudas and sandals; all set and ready for my first adventure. All I was told that there were lots of stalactites and stalagmites.

Never knew that we had to go through tight small spaces and require crawling to avoid what seem to be harmless fresh limestone rocks. It came to a part where we all had to crawl with our knees flat to the ground, only using our elbows to support our body and pull ourselves through that tiny gap. Thank god I was tinier then. Lol…

Phew, first obstacle done. Checked and made sure there were no stalactites above me. Coast is clear, then BAM! All I could remember was a loud knock on my head, and the next moment I was seated on the grown seeing stars. Few seconds later, blood was rolling down my face and onto my white tee. Can you imagine the agony of having to wash a white tee stained by blood? Hmm.. okay of course my head’s more important at that point. I was in shocked that I needed guidance to get out. My mom said “Can you be anymore clumsy?” Can you believe it? At that point of time, injured and being nagged. “Mothers, can never understand them at times”.

Well, of course she was concern, but then my mom’s a highly trained staff nurse. There’s nothing she couldn’t handle. Everybody thought I needed stitches since I bled so much, thinking I may have cracked my skull. Luckily it was a deep scalp tissue scratched. Apparently if our skull cracked open, it wouldn’t bleed as much compare to a tissue scratch.

That was sure a big pressie from Santa. Lol.. To be continued.. Time to rest my brain now .


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